Even the 'positive' huffpost article misrepresents Highway's experience to make it fit the standard monolithically negative narrative of the IRS legacy: "At age six, he was taken from his home and sent to a residential school, returning home only for the two summer months." In fact, if you read Highway's memoir, his father sent his excited-to-go six-year-old son to a residential school; he wasn't 'taken from his home.' Highway describes his feelings leaving for school on the bush plane for the first time:

"Marvels, marvels, marvels... he is going down there to accomplish marvels."

"Yes [...] I am traveling south to dance with marvels." Dad hears it clearly, I know, feels its vibration inside his blood -- "keetha kichi, paapaa" ("for you, Father").

(Vs. huffpost: "At age six, he was taken from his home and sent to a residential school..." -- Yeah, nice; that really captures the 'truth' of what happened!)

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According to Peter Johnston: "I'm not interested in giving equal time, or any time beyond what seems necessary, to these positions and arguments." Well honestly, what a schmuck. He's interested only in denouncing those he disagrees with, because that's all that seems necessary to him?! Okay, bud.

The thing with these people is, they all seem deeply immersed in a world of Orwellian Newspeak. You can talk about 'genocide,' or 'morality,' or 'arguments,' but these words mean just whatever the Party says they now mean. I can't figure this Sean Carleton fellow any other way. He seems like either a perfect moron, or a shockingly bald-faced liar. But how did he come to be this way? That's the really interesting question here, I think. What is the moral-intellectual trajectory that leads to the creation of Orwellian moral-intellectual creatures like this? Is there more to this guy than meets the eye??

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I have subscribed. Do you not get audio if you subscribe?

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How do you mean, Greg? An audio version of the Substack? I'm not that smart about the 'backend' of these platforms. I may not have installed it.

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If the paid didn’t work let me know.

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I believe I paid to assist your substack. Usually the paid on substack get audio of the article.

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Let me check and see. Thank you.

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“It is immoral and illegal to accuse people of things for which they have not been charged or found guilty,” or falsely charged as in the case of 98-year-old nun Francoise Seguin who is awaiting judgement over a fantasized incident 60 years ago by a then-teenaged boy.

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